Fix Your Golf Slice with 7 Strategies

Why does everyone keep emphasising that golf is all about precision and strategy? Just one bad hit and you are now dealing with a slice ball. Whether you are an amateur or a skilled golfer, a sliced ball is such a turn-off, making you throw in the towel. Even though you have learned golf with precision and practice, your ball can sail to the left or right instead of rolling toward the pin. As annoying as it is, you can overcome it by following some tips. There are several reasons to golf slice, and once you know yours, you are surely going to fix this problem. In this article guide, we have covered some of the tips that might be beneficial for you in the long run.

Understanding Golf Slice

Before going into any of the details, we should understand what is a slide in the golf game. For right-handed golfers, a slice in golf is a stroke where the ball curves dramatically from left of the target to right, or for left-handed players, from right to left. For many golfers, it is a typical and annoying problem as this unintentional curvature frequently leads to lost distance and accuracy. Incorrect posture, grip, and other technical faults can make the slice worse. It is usually the result of a blend of swing path mechanics and club face alignment. The first step to fixing a slice and raising your game overall is figuring out its basic causes and reasons.

Reasons for a Golf Slice

If you are wondering how to fix a golf slice, the first step here is to understand what causes a slice in golf. In golf, a slice can be caused by various possibilities. The principal causes are as follows:

1. Grip Problems

  • Weak Grip: For right-handed golfers, a grip that is excessively weak (hands turned too far to the left) can keep the club face closed at impact. If your grip is weak and you have an open face, the ball will spin from left to right.
  • Incorrect Hand Position: Slicing can occur by placing your hands incorrectly on the club, which can cause an open face. The inability to square the clubface at collision will result in a slice if your hands are not positioned correctly.

2. Swing Path Problems

  • Outside-In Swing Path: A slice is frequently caused by an outside-in swing path, in which the club swings from outside the target line to inside during the downswing. Curving the ball to the right this path produces spin.
  • Inadequate Weight Transfer: An inadequate weight transfer from the rear foot to the front foot during the swing could lead to an outside-in club path. You must shift your weight properly to keep your swing path accurate and prevent a slice.

3. Clubface Problems

Slices in golf can cause clubface issues. Here is a deep delve into this concept.

  • Open Clubface at Impact: The spinning ball will curve from left to right at the point of impact if there is an open face. This will result in a slice. To strike straight shots, it is important that the clubface be square at impact.
  • Misalignment: The ball can slice if the club face is not square to the target during setup. By aligning yourself properly, you can minimize the probability of a slice by making sure your clubface is toward the target.

4: Posture and Stance

I might have mentioned earlier that golf is all about posture. Bad posture will not only result in muscle cramps but also slices in golf.

  • Incorrect Stance: An excessively open posture may encourage an outside-in swing path. The target line should be parallel to your feet, hips, and shoulders to promote the correct club path.
  • Inadequate Posture: You can slice when you slouch or adopt an incorrect posture that impairs your swing mechanics. A more controlled and forceful swing can be achieved by keeping proper posture.

5. Timing and Rhythm

  • Early Release: When the club is released too early during a downturn, it may expose the club’s face. For the clubface to square up upon impact, proper timing of the release is important.
  • Overactive Upper Body: A slice might result from controlling the swing with your upper body as opposed to keeping a balanced movement. It is more efficient and reliable to swing when your entire body is used in harmony.

7 Golf Slice Relief Techniques

This section is all about answering your query about how to fix a golf slice.

Let’s have a look at the strategies below:

1. Strengthen Your Grip

You can stop slicing with a firmer grip. In order to encourage a closed clubface upon contact, rotate your hands slightly to the right on the club (for right-handed players). Turn your left hand so that you can see two or three knuckles. Excessive spin that results in a slice is minimized when the clubface closes through impact due to a firm grip.

  • Check your hand position: Make sure your left hand is correctly positioned on the club, with your thumb and index finger forming a “V” that points towards your right shoulder. Adjust your grip accordingly.
  • Adjust your right hand: Scoop your thumb and index finger into a “V” that points toward your right shoulder as you rest your right hand on the club.
  • Take part in regular practice: For your grasp to become second nature, check and practice it frequently. By doing this, you can fix a golf slice with ease.

2. Adjust Your Swing Path

While working on how to fix a slice in golf, try constructing an inside-out swing path. You should swing the club with the intention of hitting the target line from the outside in order to accomplish this. In order to emphasize this proper approach throughout practice, alignment sticks might be used. The ball curves less when an inside-out swing path reduces the spin.

  • Set up alignment sticks: To modify your swing path, Take two sticks and place one parallel to the target line and just outside the ball.
  • Keep your attention on the path: Work on swinging the club so that it departs outside the target line and travels down the inner path.
  • Make use of visuals: To guarantee an inside-out path, picture an entrance that your clubhead needs to go through.

3. Align the Clubface Square to Fix Golf Slice

Make sure the clubface is square in terms of impact and address. Checking your grip and working on exercises that highlight a square clubface will help you achieve this. Use impact tape to determine where the ball makes contact with the clubface to make the appropriate changes. Striking straight is dependent upon having a square clubface at impact.

In order to square the clubface:

Check your arrangement: The clubface square should be positioned in relation to the address.

  • Keep an eye on impact: Track the ball’s impact point on the clubface with impact tape or foot spray.
  • Drills for practice: For better balance and control, use drills that emphasize squaring the clubface, such as hitting shots with your feet together.

4. Work on Weight Transfer to Fix Golf Slice

Pay attention to how you move your weight during the swing. Transitioning from your rear foot to your front foot is the first step in your downswing. An open face upon impact is minimized, and an inside-out club path is encouraged. Your swing will be more accurate and powerful if you transfer your weight properly.

  • Start with your feet: Make sure your weight is evenly distributed across both feet when you come into contact with something.
  • Moving your weight to your back foot during the backswing is known as a shift during the backswing.
  • Transfer on the downswing: Start the downswing by shifting your weight to your front foot.
  • Complete upright: Take a balanced follow-through and finish your swing with your weight, mostly on your front foot.

5. Adjust Your Position and Stance

Take a position that encourages the club path to remain neutral. Spread your weight equally across both feet so that they are shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight but slightly slanted forward at the hips, and keep your knees bent slightly. For a swing to be reliable and efficient, good stance and posture are essential.

Adjust your posture and stance to fix a slice:

  • Verify your alignment: Place the target line in line with your shoulders, hips, and feet.
  • Preserve balance: Make sure both of your feet are bearing weight equally.
  • Sit up straight: Maintain an upright posture and bend your hips slightly forward. As an aid to stability, slightly bend your knees.

6. Improve your Rhythm and Timing to Fix Golf Slice

Learn to swing the rhythm with ease and consistency. By keeping your downswing lag and bringing your lower body into the swing, you can avoid an early release. Put your clubface in a square upon impact by practicing timing drills. You can create more regulated and potent swings by maintaining a steady beat and time.

With a stopwatch, you can practice maintaining a steady swing tempo, which can help you with time and rhythm.

  • Pay attention to lag: Maintain lag by keeping your wrists bent until right before impact.
  • Start from the bottom up: For control and power, begin your downswing with your lower body.

7. Use Drills and Training Aids to Fix Golf Slice

Make sure your practice program includes drills and training aids. Tools like impact bags, alignment sticks, and swing trainers can help you ingrain the right mechanics. Drills like the towel drill, which involves holding your arms together with a towel below, can also achieve more coordination and control.

  • Swing trainers: Use equipment made to encourage proper swing mechanics and muscle memory.
  • To ensure perfect alignment and the swing path, set up alignment sticks.
  • To get a feel for squaring the clubface at impact, practice striking an impact bag.
  • Towel drill: During the swing, hold your arms close to your body by placing a towel below them to improve uniformity and control.

Consider the golf ball you use while targeting particular shot characteristics. An example of a ball that can assist you in improving shot management is the Pro V1 or Pro V1x. These balls are renowned for their soft feel and consistent performance. You can select the ideal ball position for increased accuracy by being aware of how various swing speeds influence ball behavior.

You can enhance your game and hit more precise and consistent shots on the golf course by employing these techniques and addressing the underlying causes of your slicing. Building the muscle memory and confidence necessary to get rid of your slice and play your best golf will require regular practice and close attention to detail.

You can also check out other techniques to fix a slice in this article.


Summing up, the article covered details on slicing in golf, a phenomenon leading to slicing the ball to the left or right. Once you know the reasons behind the golf slice, you can easily get rid of it by consistent practice and following our tips. So, read our article guide to become a pro in this strategic game.